Monday, March 4, 2013

DIY Chevron Rod Iron Wall Hanging

I am a little slow.  But I finally decided I like Chevron.  I knew I wanted to make something with a chevron pattern and this is what I came up with.

I cut three 1x6 boards to 17" long.  Then attached them with pocket holes.

I used a square to tape off my pattern.

I went through with a razor blade to cut out the chevron pattern.

Then I painted my three different colors.

To attach the decorative rod iron we set it on to decide where it would sit.  Then marked with a pencil where we would drill holes to wire it on.

I am bummed that the green paint bleed a little bit and wished I would have centered the chevron more.  But I did better on the next one that I did, which I will be showing you soon!

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  1. stopping by from the blog hop at:

    that is SO CUTE!!!!
    and VERY creative!!!
    I seriously want to make one now!

  2. I am usually not big on chevrons, but I really like this! Love the colors and it is really an interesting piece. Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven.

  3. Please link up to my party here :)

  4. So everyone will be pinning your chevron pattern hints. :D Loved this.Thanks for sharing.


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